
RV How-Tos

From tips and tricks to keep your rig rolling smoothly, to basic maintenance and complicated repairs, there’s an RV expert who can help.

Class A slide out


Setting up at the Campground

The set up at the campground will differ depending on the type of RV you’re using. I’ll show you how I set up my personal RV – a Type A motorhome.

Roadtrippers map


Matt Light's Guide to Planning Your Trip

I’ve learned a lot over the years about planning ahead for our trips which makes them so much easier and less stressful on everyone. Here are a few of my top tips.

Tips For Overcoming A Fear Of Towing


Getting Started RVing: Tips For Overcoming A Fear Of Towing

I love helping people get started camping, especially those jumping in alone. Many people write to me expressing a desire to join in all the fun. When I ask what is stopping them, the most common reply I hear is a fear of towing. I understand and want to help put your mind at ease. I have a few steps to overcoming a fear of towing.

Tips For Cleaning Your RV's Interior


Tips for Cleaning your RV Interior

The new camping season will be here before we know it and before it arrives you’ll want to give the interior of your RV a good deep clean! It may sound strange but I love cleaning my RV. Really! One, it takes much less time than cleaning my house even when it’s a pull-out-everything-from-cabinets deep clean. Two, my RV is my escape, my retreat, and that makes it feel like less of a chore and more like a chance to give her the pampering she deserves.

RV Refrigerator Tips & Tricks


RV Refrigerator Tips & Tricks

For the most part RV refrigerators are efficient, but sometimes RV owners do things that result in the refrigerator being less efficient. Today I want to discuss some tips and tricks that will help your RV refrigerator operate at maximum efficiency.

How To Do Common RV Maintenance


Common RV Maintenance Tips

We have put together 4 easy maintenance projects that will keep your RV lasting throughout your entire adventure and with just a little bit of work. We should all be working less with our RVs and spending more time enjoying them.

RV Water Filtration Is It Important And How Do I Do It


RVing: Why Water Filtration is Important

Today I want to discuss water filtration in your RV. I receive lots of questions about RV water filtration and drinking water quality. A lot of these questions are directed at the importance of filtering the water in your RV and how to go about doing it. There are many reasons to be concerned about the water we drink, cook with and wash with, especially when it comes to RVs. Let’s take a look at why and how you should filter the water in your RV.

RV Living On 30 Amps


RV Living On 30 Amps: Understanding Your RV’s Electrical System

Today I want to discuss a topic I think is important for all RV owners to understand – RV living on 30 amps.

RV battery


Not Another Dead RV Battery

You can continue spending money replacing dead RV batteries, but a more practical money saving solution is to determine what caused the battery to die and try to prevent it from happening again.

Hot Weather Tips To Keep Your RV Cool


Hot Weather Tips To Keep Your Rv Cool

There is no doubt summertime is primetime for RV camping. The weather is great, the kids are out of school and exciting new adventures await you around the next bend. What more could an RVer ask for? How about a nice cool RV to beat some of the heat? It can be challenging to keep your RV cool when the mercury is rising, but following these simple tips is a good start.

Top 5 Essential RV Pre-Trip Checks


Top 5 Essential RV Pre-Trip Checks

Checklists are an easy way to make sure nothing is overlooked or forgotten. RV pre-trip checks are one of the most important checklists to have on-hand and follow. I cannot tell you how many times I see damaged RV steps, TV antennas, power cords and awnings simply because an owner forgot to check things prior to leaving.

Photo of RV in the evening


How To De-Winterize Your RV

When you winterize your RV you prepare the RV plumbing system, interior, exterior and chassis to withstand cold weather conditions. When you de-winterize your RV you reverse the steps and prepare the RV for another fun-filled camping season.