Celebrating The Holidays In The RV

Expert Advice

Celebrating The Holidays In The RV

After a busy day exploring Gatlinburg, we wanted to treat the girls to a cozy winter night in the RV, eating dinner and opening a few of their remaining Christmas presents we saved especially for this trip.

Although we are far from Louisiana, the RV always allows us to bring the comforts of home with us. That evening, my wife cooked one of our family favorites — sausage jambalaya — right in the RV kitchen. Meanwhile, the girls started to grow impatient to open presents. After Christmas dinner, we let them tear into their gifts.

One of their favorites was from my parents – it was a kid’s version of a popular block stacking game. Sitting around the table in the RV playing games as a family was more fun than any of us could have imagined. We played for over two hours until I could tell the girls were ready for bed. What a wonderful Christmas!

Celebrating The Holidays In The RV
Celebrating The Holidays In The RV
Celebrating The Holidays In The RV
Celebrating The Holidays In The RV
Celebrating The Holidays In The RV
Celebrating The Holidays In The RV
man outside

Jeffrey Eatley

Jeffrey Eatley

Jeffrey Eatley is a husband, family man, RV owner, and professional photographer. Born and raised in southern Louisiana, Jeffrey, along his wife and kids, still call it home. The family enjoys the freedom and flexibility of owning an RV.  Whether it’s a last-minute weekend getaway or a long-term vacation, they truly love the adventures of RVing. Follow along as Jeffrey documents their travels from behind the wheel and the lens.